
A business network in the agricultural sector where scientists, farmers, agriculture investors, suppliers and creditors can communicate, do business and trade.

To develop an online business platform that does the following:

  • an information and networking resource/social blog for sharing experience and expertise in the field of agriculture
  • employee search
  • a marketplace for farming products and services
  • a transparent blockchain-based rating agency for agricultural market participants
  • financial advice from banking professionals

To design a mobile application for Android and iOS platforms where industry participants are asking and answering professional questions online.

Project Facts

Investment Round With Valuation of $2 mil
$1 mil budget
15 developers
1.5 Years Timeframe


The backend of the project is written on Java
Database: Postgresql
User interfaces: on React.js and native iOS and Android mobile applications
Blockchain: are redesigned fork of Stellar
The code versioning is monitored by Git


Cortex. Direct.Farm features
  • Agricultural Research
  • Agricultural Consulting
  • Experience Exchange Plaform
  • Blockchain Reputation Ratings
  • Agricultural Audit Platform
  • Commodities Trade platform
  • HR platform for Agricultural industry
  • Professional Services Echange
  • Web version
  • Mobile applications for Android and iOS
  • Social network/Blog



Direct.Farm is the number 1 online business platform for farmers in Russia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. Currently, it is the largest network of agricultural technology in Russia. The number of participants (agronomists, livestock breeders, heads of agricultural enterprises) ~10 000 people (including 4 000 + agronomists, 2 000+ livestock breeders) from 74 subjects of the Russian Federation and 17 subjects of the CIS countries and Ukraine.

Vmeste.Direct.Farm - a mobile application available for download on Google Play and App Stores. Already used by more than 15000 industry professionals.

Direct.Farm Development Timeline

Idea (4Q 2017)

  • Our project managers met with the customer to get a clear idea of what they wanted to achieve.
Proof of

(4Q 2017-2Q 2018)

  • We figured out the correct technology stack and the timeframe for the project.
  • Appropriate recommendations were made. Project costs calculated.
  • The brand identity was developed by our designers.
  • Direct Farm was registered as their legal trade name.
  • A team of 15 developers assembled.
  • First working prototypes of web and mobile versions of Direct.Farm for Android and iOS platforms with basic functionality developed and released.

(3Q 2018 - 1Q 2019)

  • First Direct.Farm first fully functional web version released that included a social blog and marketplace for goods and services.
  • A blockchain-based rating agency added to the platform.
  • Direct.Farm mobile application fully functional.
  • Synchronization of all platforms and final tests conducted.
  • Vmeste.Direct.Farm mobile application developed, tested and released.

(1Q 2019 - 2Q 2019)

  • Project documentation with the technical specs prepared as per the request of the client during the investment round.
  • Legal aspects of the project finalized.
  • Investment round conducted with our participation. 30% of the company shares successfully sold to the new investor. Project valued at 3 million USD.
  • The project continues as the client requested an additional platform to be developed.
  • Development of Audit.Direct.Farm commences.

Contact Us

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Tel: +44 203 608-0605

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Tel: +7 918 1888458

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