Technology Metals Market (TM2)

An issuing and trading platform for technology metals connecting institutional investors, proprietary traders and retail investors with digital metals issuers – miners , refiners, recyclers and mints.

To develop trading platform that meets the following requirements:

  • Direct ownership: Investor has direct title to physical metals and controls investment through digital wallet.
  • Trust: Digital metals are 100% backed by physical metal.
  • Demand: Technology metals are in high industry demand, creating safety and upside at the same time.
  • Liquidity: We access deep liquidity for large positions.
  • Oversight: Digital metal fully compliant and follow strict KYC and AML onboarding and transaction procedures.
  • Transparency: All metals transactions and inventories viewable - 24/hr. access. Fully audited.

Project Facts

$250k Budget
Team of 7 people including software developers
World’s First Rhodium Trading
Technology Metals Trading


Stellar Fork. Rebuilt and modified into MinfiniumTM
Privacy layer modifications
Digital Ledger & Clearing technology built in
Registry and compliance technology integrated and built in
Digital & Physical security Integration


  • Web and desktop wallets
  • KYC/AML/GDPR compliance
  • Full clearing and settlement systems
  • Integrated payment gateways
  • Create of digital representations of physical metal
Cortex. TM2 features



We’ve designed a solution with user-friendly interface and complete back office to enable the most convenient and efficient way to quickly bring a digital markets solution to the precious and technology metals industry.

The digital metals themselves are the mediums of exchange and trade and the market functions in all respects as other traditional metals markets, such as LME and CME do.

TM2 Development Timeline

The Idea (4Q 2018)

  • A client from the UK contacted with the goal to find a technology partner to develop his project. After a few personal meetings and thorough discussions, he decided to work with Cortex.
  • After consulting financial and metals industry professionals we had a clear vision of what had to be achieved.
Proof of

(1Q 2019-2Q 2019)

  • The technology stack was selected and the timeframe worked out.
  • We developed the brand identity in close collaboration with the client.
  • UK company incorporated.
  • Programming professionals selected for the project.
  • Work commenced and within the scope of 3 months, a working prototype of the platform was built.

(3Q 2019)

  • A modernized fork of Stellar blockchain developed and implemented into the Minfinium- our own financial technology and exchange engine built to enable the creation, transfer, trading, and custody of digital metals.
  • User-friendly interface developed to service the platform including:
    • Metal vault Manager interface that allows you to receive and download reports
    • Investor interface, allowing you to buy and sell metals online
    • Product issuer’s interface, allowing to set the price of the products, the buy and sell limits
    • Administrator interface, allowing to manage the users’ accounts.
  • Investor’s wallet designed.
  • First test transactions are done.
  • Agreement with the KYC and AML providers signed and the gateway integrated into the platform, thus, making TM2 fully compliant.

(4Q 2019)

  • The first agreement signed with the Baird- gold refiner and the only full-service bullion merchant in the UK. This partnership allowed for the first product to be introduced on our platform: a Digital Rhodium.
  • Synchronization with the OTC desk.
  • Project documentation finalized and transferred to the client.
  • The platform is fully operational.
  • Sales of the Digital Rhodium commenced.
Investment Round
Valuation $3 mil

Contact Us

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55 Loudoun Road , St. John's
Wood, London, NW8 0DL,
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 203 608-0605

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Tel: +7 918 1888458

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+971 585 128 256